Construct validity properties of the Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventories in Kichwa-speaking Cañari adolescents in Ecuador


  • Ángel Chucho-Cuvi Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe “Daniel Clavijo Iglesias” del Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe del Ecuador
  • Carlos Andrade-Bayona Asesoría en Investigación Académica (AiA)



anxiety, depression, Beck inventory, kichwa


Epidemiological evidence suggests that anxiety disorders and depression are common and are often assessed by self-reports. However, the content validity of self-reports may vary across cultures, which is relevant to the aims of the present study. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess construct validity using Confirmatory Factor Analysis in a sample of 230 bilingual students from the cantons of El Cañar, El Tambo and Suscal, who speak Kichwa, an indigenous language of Ecuador. The analysis of the results was carried out using the R statistical platform and the Lavaan package. The results showed that both instruments have construct validity in the Kichwa language, with an RMSEA of 0.025, SRMR of 0.049, TLI of 0.920, CFI of 0.924 and X2/gl of 1.15. Furthermore, the level of reliability was high, with a McDonald's ω coefficient of 0.964 for the depression inventory and 0.952 for the anxiety inventory. Therefore, the authors of the study recommend its use for assessing anxiety and depression in adolescents in Kichwa-speaking bilingual educational institutions. In summary, the validation of assessment instruments is essential to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained, especially in different cultures and language groups. The present study provides evidence of the validity and reliability of two self-report scales for assessing anxiety and depression in Kichwa-speaking adolescents, which may help to improve the care and treatment of these conditions in this population group.


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Author Biographies

Ángel Chucho-Cuvi, Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe “Daniel Clavijo Iglesias” del Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe del Ecuador


Angel Rolando Chucho Cuvi, is a teacher of Kichwa nationality, belonging to the Puruha people. He currently works as a teacher at CECIB "Daniel Clavijo Iglesias", an institution that is part of the Intercultural Bilingual Education System of Ecuador. Mr. Chucho Cuvi obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Education Sciences, with a specialization in General Pedagogy, from the Salesian Polytechnic University. He also has a Master's Degree in Psychology, with emphasis in Psychosocial and Community Intervention. His motivation and experience in the revaluation of the cultural knowledge of indigenous peoples have led him to enter the field of research. His goal is to achieve quality education and warmth in indigenous communities.

Carlos Andrade-Bayona, Asesoría en Investigación Académica (AiA)


Manager of Asesoría en Investigación Académica (AiA). Author of the article "Técnicas para la realización de pronósticos electorales más precisos" (2021) and co-author of "Programación radial de Cuenca-Ecuador en los años sesenta y setenta del siglo XX" (2021), "Análisis literario y formal estructural de cuatro canciones populares de Cuenca-Ecuador" (2021) "Justicia indígena y debido proceso: caso de juzgamiento en la comuna San Rafael" (2021). In addition, he is the author of the theatrical monologue "¿Quién paga?" (2019), of the lyric sheets of the opera "Pasión de Dolores" (2016) and editor of the books "Crónicas de altamar" (2017) and "Bestiario Amazónico" (2018).



How to Cite

Chucho-Cuvi, Ángel, & Andrade-Bayona, C. (2023). Construct validity properties of the Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventories in Kichwa-speaking Cañari adolescents in Ecuador. South American Research Journal, 3(1), 59–65.


