From Idea to Word: A sculptor's encounter with five storytellers


  • Geovanny Calle-Bustos Universidad de Cuenca



children's sculpture, interpretation, narration, children's play


Traditionally, sculptural research focuses on the interpretation of works by other artists. In this case, the artistic creation of a sculptor is combined with the artistic creation of five storytellers. To this end, the sculptor, the author of this article, created a series of small-format statuettes from sheets of cut, embossed, chiseled, and welded metal. These statuettes evoked the sculptor's childhood, which was rooted in the customs and traditions of children's games in the Azuayan context. To compare the ideas of other artists, he asked the storytellers to write a short story about what inspired them about the sculptures. The research design adopted was of an autobiographical interpretive nature. The results show certain symbolic similarities in all the sculptures. However, it is observed that the creative freedom of each narrator, in two cases, sticks to the original idea, in another case there is a certain similarity with the original idea, and in two other cases a certain distance from the original idea of the sculptor was found.


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Author Biography

Geovanny Calle-Bustos, Universidad de Cuenca


Bachelor of Visual Arts (2006) and Master of Arts with a specialization in Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture (2012). He is a tenured professor and research investigator in sculpture, painting, and drawing at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Cuenca, Cuenca-Ecuador. He has successfully obtained funding for several research projects and academic publications. As an author, he has created over a dozen series of sculptures, paintings, and book illustrations, which have been showcased at the national level. Additionally, he has been invited to participate in international craft and art fairs.



How to Cite

Calle-Bustos, G. (2023). From Idea to Word: A sculptor’s encounter with five storytellers. South American Research Journal, 3(1), 31–36.


