The Impact of Lyrics Training Application on Enhancing Speaking Skills in A1-Level Students


  • Vladimir Sandoval-Vizuete Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Jenny Guicela Viracocha-Chicaiza Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • Gloria Tatiana Almeida-Ruiz Universidad de Milagro
  • Sandra Cabrera-Arias Universidad de Cuenca



Lyrics training, High School, Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Lyrics training is a learning app that provides an enhancing speaking skill which allows learners to learn a second language using music videos and the words of their favourite songs. This study was an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of Lyrics training in providing opportunities for learners to improve their speaking and listening accuracy and with this purpose evaluate the effectiveness of this app against a traditional method. For this purpose, 147 students of three institutions were divided in two groups corresponding to 8th and 9th levels (SDB and RCE institutions), equivalent to the first and second year of secondary education. In addition, two groups of university students (TUC) taking the first level of English as a foreign language were included with three different teachers. This study employed a quantitative approach to explore the effectiveness of "Lyrics Training" as an educational tool in improving listening and speaking skills in students. Using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design, data were collected before and after the educational intervention.This website program had a statistically significant effect on the language skills of the participants. The consistency of improvements in comprehension, language skills, pronunciation and content understanding suggest that the intervention was comprehensive and effectively addressed all key aspects of language learning. It provides convincing evidence of the effectiveness of the methods used and can serve as a model for similar training resourcefulness.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir Sandoval-Vizuete, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi


Vladimir, an English teacher at Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi since October 2010, excels in equipping students with fundamental English skills through well-planned lessons, assignments, and insightful feedback. His educational background is robust, holding a Master's degree in Educational Management and a Licenciado in Education Sciences from Universidad Técnica de Ambato, and a Diploma in Educational Planning and Management from Universidad Estatal de Guaranda. Vladimir's comprehensive approach not only teaches English, but he has scientific concerns in testing the effectiveness of contemporary methods in his students' learning.

Jenny Guicela Viracocha-Chicaiza, Universidad Estatal de Milagro


Jenny Guicela Viracocha Chicaiza is an experienced English teacher who has dedicated the past 12 years to educating students in both rural and urban environments. She possesses a dynamic teaching style and has been actively involved in training, leading, and examining students, with a focus on developing their language skills. Guicela prides herself on being a responsible and methodical educator, consistently aiding student progress in English. Currently, she is working on her first research article titled "The Impact of Lyrics Training Application on Enhancing Speaking Skills in A1 Level Students" and aims to continue contributing to educational research. She teaches at Rafael Cajiao Enriquez School since November 2021, having previously taught at several other institutions since 2009.

Gloria Tatiana Almeida-Ruiz, Universidad de Milagro


Tatiana Almeida Ruiz is an educator focused on communication and education. Since 2019, she has been teaching English at Sebastián de Benalcazar Municipal Educational Unit, where she promotes collaborative learning and actively engages with new educational methodologies. Previously, she taught at María Mazzarello Educational Unit from 2013 to 2019. Her academic background includes a Bachelor's degree in Languages from Central University of Ecuador, and she is currently pursuing a Master's degree at Milagro State University. In terms of research initiatives, she has founded an English club and is exploring the impact of the Lyrics Training application on beginner students.

Sandra Cabrera-Arias, Universidad de Cuenca


Sandra, originally from Cuenca, Ecuador, is a seasoned associate tenured professor at the University of Cuenca, where she has contributed her expertise for over 16 years. She holds a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and a Ph.D. in Education from Universidad de La Plata. As an English as a Foreign Language teacher, Sandra has delved into research in higher education, evaluation, bilingual education, autonomous learning, motivation, and learning in non-formal contexts. Her work has been published in various national and international scientific journals, focusing on education and the teaching of English as a foreign language.




How to Cite

Sandoval-Vizuete, V., Viracocha-Chicaiza, J. G., Almeida-Ruiz, G. T., & Cabrera-Arias, S. (2024). The Impact of Lyrics Training Application on Enhancing Speaking Skills in A1-Level Students. South American Research Journal, 3(2), 53–62.


