South American Research Journal, 4(1), 26-31
ISSN 2806-5638
Although self-esteem has received considerable attention, it
is currently nottheonlyvariableof interest. Inpositive psychology
and globally, happiness has emerged as another essential construct
that aspires to become one of society's priority goals. Alarcón
The study was conducted in accordance with the ethical
principles proposed by the American Psychological Association
(2002), which include the principles of beneficence and non-
maleficence, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, and justice,
rights, and dignity. To ensure compliance with these principles,
participants were provided with informed consent, which
guaranteed that the data collected would be used solely for
scientific purposes. Furthermore, participants were informed
about the objectives of the study.
(2006) conceives happiness as “an affective state of full
satisfaction that the individual subjectively experiences when
possessing a desired good” (p. 101). For Alarcón (2015),
happiness is present in people’s interests and is identified as a
subjective, stable, and temporary feeling.
Alarcón (2006) proposes a four-dimensional structure to
measure happiness. The first dimension, the positive sense of life,
refers to happiness as the absence of depressive states and the
presence of positive attitudes. The second dimension, satisfaction
with life, interprets happiness as the possession of a good, whether
it be an achievement, an ideal, or a sense of belonging. The third
dimension, personal fulfillment, refers to full happiness and the
conditions necessary to achieve it, such as emotional stability, a
sense of peace, self-sufficiency, and personal control. Finally, the
fourth dimension is the joy of living, which involves experiencing
well-being most of the time and valuing the wonderful things in
life and good experiences.
The general objective of this study was to determine the
relationship between self-esteem and happiness in students of the
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology in a situation of internal
migration at the University of Cuenca during the 2022-2023
academic period. The specific objectives were to identify the
levels of self-esteem and happiness in these students and to
describe the dimensions of happiness that predominate in them.
The study raised the following hypotheses:
The instrument used for data collection was
sociodemographic form, prepared by the authors of this research,
to collect information on the age, sex, and province of origin of the
To evaluate the self-esteem variable, the Rosenberg Self-
Esteem Scale was used, validated in the Ecuadorian context, with
a Cronbach's Alpha of .83 (Bueno et al., 2020). This scale consists
of ten items, five of which are worded in positive terms and five in
negative terms. It is a Likert-type scale, with response options
rangingfrom1(stronglyagree)to4(stronglydisagree). According
to the sum of the scores, levels of self-esteem are classified as
follows: 30-40 points correspond to positive or normal self-
esteem, 26-29 to average self-esteem, and less than 25 points to
negative self-esteem (Bueno et al., 2020). The Cronbach's Alpha
found in this study was .83.
Furthermore, to evaluate the happiness variable, the Alarcón
Happiness Scale was applied, validated in Mexico, with a
Cronbach's Alpha of .91 (Toribio et al., 2012). This instrument
consists of 27 items, 17 worded positively and 10 negatively,
based on a Likert-type scale with response options from 1 (totally
disagree) to 5 (totally agree). The scale classifies levels of
happiness into five categories: very low (27-87), low (88-95),
medium (96-110), high (111-118), and very high (119-135).
Additionally, the happiness scale measures four dimensions:
positive meaningoflife, satisfactionwithlife, personal fulfillment,
emotional stability, and joy of living. The Cronbach's Alpha
coefficients inthis study ranged between 0.74 and 0.91. Following
the analysis of the state of the art and the study approach, the
following procedure was followed: first, approval was obtained
from the Ethics Committee on Research in Human Beings and the
Board of Directors of the Faculty of Psychology at the University
of Cuenca; second, the instruments were administered between
May and June 2023; third, the statistical processing of the results
was performed using RStudio software. Finally, the results were
Ho: There is no significant correlation between self-
esteemandhappinessin studentsina situationofinternal
Ha: There is a significant correlation between self-
esteemandhappinessin studentsina situationofinternal
In this research, a quantitative approach methodology was
used, as data analysis and numerical measurement were the primary
tools for testing the hypotheses. A non-experimental and cross-
sectional design was employed, withdatacollectedduring aspecific
period. The scope was correlational, as the research aimed to
investigate the relationship between self-esteem and happiness in
students experiencing internal migration (Hernández et al., 2014).
For the sample selection, simple random non-probabilistic
sampling was applied using inclusion criteria from a population
universe of 202 migrant students from the Faculty of Psychology at
the University of Cuenca, Ecuador. The sample consisted of 115
participants: 85 women and 30 men, aged between 18 and 33 years,
with a mean age of 21 years and a standard deviation of2.4.
The inclusion criteria were:
RStudio version 4.3.1 was used for data processing. The
statistical packages used include PerformanceAnalytics,
summarytools, psych, dplyr, ggplot2, ggstatsplot, tidyverse,
nortest, and the base package functions. Descriptive statistics
techniques were applied to analyze percentages, arithmetic mean,
and relative and absolute frequencies. Additionally, the Lilliefors
normality test was used, obtaining a p-value of 0.1147 for the self-
esteem variable and a p-value of 0.88 for the happiness variable,
indicating that the data followed a normal distribution.
Consequently, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to
analyze the relationship between the self-esteem and happiness
variables (Hernández et al., 2014).
Students in a situation of internal migration.
the 2022-2023 academic period at the University of
Age over 18 years.
Voluntary agreement to participate in the study.
The exclusion criteria were:
Sociodemographic data are presented in Table 1. The study
included 115 internally migratory students from the Bachelor's
Degree in Psychology at the University of Cuenca during the
Being native students from the province of Azuay,