South American Research Journal, 4(1), 21-25  
y cognitivo en la infancia. El objetivo de esta investigación  
fue identificar las intervenciones del personal de enfermería  
en el tratamiento de la desnutrición en pacientes pediátricos  
en el Servicio de Pediatría de un hospital en el cantón  
Machala. La metodología empleada fue cuantitativa,  
descriptiva y de corte transversal. La muestra consistió en 8  
licenciados en enfermería del Servicio de Pediatría del  
hospital, abarcando la totalidad de la población en el área. Los  
resultados revelaron que el 37,50% de los padres o cuidadores  
reciben educación continua sobre cuidado nutricional infantil,  
mientras que el 62,50% la recibe de manera ocasional. En el  
plan de cuidados, el 100% de los enfermeros coincidieron en  
la importancia de implementar un plan personalizado que  
incluya nutrición parenteral o enteral, administración de  
suplementos nutricionales y promoción de una alimentación  
adecuada. La educación sobre nutrición infantil para padres y  
cuidadores tiende a ser esporádica y desigual. Mejorar la  
consistencia y accesibilidad de esta educación puede  
optimizar el estado nutricional y el desarrollo de los menores.  
Asimismo, todos los profesionales de enfermería elaboran  
planes personalizados que abarcan nutrición parenteral y  
enteral, así como suplementos nutricionales, lo que destaca su  
compromiso con una recuperación efectiva y la mejora en la  
calidad de vida de los pacientes pediátricos.  
Nursing practices in the management of  
pediatric malnutrition in a hospital in the  
Machala canton  
Prácticas de enfermería en la gestión de la  
desnutrición pediátrica en un hospital del  
cantón Machala  
Karen Mora-Peña1  
, Melanie Pangay-Torres1 , & Sara  
Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.  
Reception: June 2, 2024 - Acceptance: August 2, 2024 -  
Publication: August 19, 2024  
Childhood malnutrition is a global issue that affects  
children aged 0 to 5 years in various regions. This condition  
results from an inadequate intake of essential macronutrients  
and micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, crucial for  
the physical and cognitive development of children. The aim  
of this research was to identify the interventions by nursing  
staff in the treatment of malnutrition among pediatric patients  
in the Pediatric Service of a hospital in Machala canton. The  
methodology employed was quantitative, descriptive, and  
cross-sectional. The sample comprised 8 nursing graduates  
from the hospital's Pediatric Service, representing the entire  
population in the area. The findings revealed that 37.50% of  
parents or caregivers received ongoing education on child  
nutritional care, while 62.50% received it occasionally. In the  
care plan, 100% of nurses concurred on the importance of  
implementing a personalized plan that includes parenteral or  
enteral nutrition, the administration of nutritional  
supplements, and the promotion of adequate nutrition.  
Education on child nutrition for parents and caregivers tends  
to be sporadic and uneven. Enhancing the consistency and  
accessibility of this education could optimize the nutritional  
status and development of children. Moreover, all nursing  
professionals develop personalized plans that encompass  
parenteral and enteral nutrition as well as nutritional  
supplements, highlighting their commitment to effective  
recovery and the improved quality of life for pediatric  
Palabras claves: desnutrición infantil, estado  
nutricional, intervención de enfermería, plan de cuidados.  
Childhood malnutrition is a global challenge affecting  
children aged 0-5 years in various regions. This condition  
results from an insufficient intake of essential macronutrients  
and micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, crucial  
for optimal physical and cognitive development in children.  
Despite advances in healthcare and nutritional policies,  
malnutrition remains a significant cause of morbidity and  
mortality in the pediatric population (Álvarez, 2019). Often,  
childhood malnutrition is closely linked to socioeconomic  
factors, limited access to nutritious foods, inadequate feeding  
and care practices, and lack of access to sufficient health  
services (Rivera, 2022).  
Childhood malnutrition arises from inadequate food  
intake and infectious diseases. Underlying factors include  
limited access to food, poor healthcare, and inadequate care  
practices. The root causes are social, economic, and political,  
such as poverty and low maternal education. The effects  
include delays in growth and development, increased risk of  
disease, and reduced physical capacity and academic  
performance (Picbougoum et al., 2023; Cueva et al., 2021).  
Recent studies have shown that food insecurity and  
unfavorable living conditions exacerbate these issues,  
perpetuating the cycle of poverty and malnutrition (Zhao et  
al., 2020).  
Keywords: child malnutrition, nutritional status,  
nursing intervention, care plan.  
In Ecuador, 26% of children between zero and five years  
of age suffer from chronic malnutrition, with a higher  
prevalence in rural areas, where it affects 35.7% of children,  
and is even more pronounced among indigenous children,  
with rates above 40%. Furthermore, a significant percentage  
of children under five years of age experienced diarrheal and  
acute respiratory diseases according to the Nutrition and  
Health Survey (ENSANUT, 2018): 10.8% and 34.2%  
La malnutrición infantil es un problema global que  
afecta a niños de 0 a 5 años en diversas regiones. Esta  
condición se origina por una ingesta inadecuada de  
micronutrientes esenciales, como  
vitaminas y minerales, fundamentales para el desarrollo físico  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 21-25  
respectively, seven days before the survey (Flores and  
Congacha, 2021; Carrasco, 2019). This underscores the need  
for specific and sustainable interventions to combat  
malnutrition in these vulnerable communities.  
the nutritional health and development of malnourished  
children in this specific context.  
Lack of adequate care for these diseases can lead to  
serious or even fatal complications. To mitigate childhood  
malnutrition, it is essential to promote a balanced, diverse,  
and nutrient-rich diet, including a variety of whole grains,  
legumes, and vegetables (Melgarejo et al., 2022).  
Nutritional supplementation and education programs have  
proven effective in improving the nutritional status of  
children in various regions (Martínez et al., 2023). The  
nutritional health of children is intrinsically linked to their  
growth and development throughout their lives, which must  
be assessed considering the adequate weight and height  
growth that results from balanced nutrition. Addressing this  
issue is a challenge, since from gestation to five years of  
age, one of the most critical stages in the physical and  
neurocognitive development of individuals occurs (Lovera  
and Cáceres, 2023). Early interventions are key to  
preventing irreversible damage to child development  
The design of this research was quantitative,  
descriptive, and cross-sectional. The sample consisted  
of eight nursing graduates from the Pediatrics Service  
of a hospital in the Machala canton. The inclusion  
criteria included only nursing graduates, excluding  
nursing interns, nursing assistants, and doctors in the  
area. The sampling was non-probabilistic for  
survey was applied with a questionnaire  
previously validated by experts. The experts selected for  
the validation of the questionnaire had experience in the  
area of pediatrics and child nutrition, with at least five  
years of clinical practice and postgraduate academic  
training in these areas. A rubric based on criteria of  
clarity, relevance, and pertinence of the items was used  
to ensure the validity of the instrument.  
The questionnaire included nine closed questions  
with trichotomous answers (yes, no, and sometimes) and  
one open question, which was subsequently coded. The  
variables evaluated were education, collaborative work,  
and care plan. Ethical aspects of the study were taken  
into account; prior to data collection, permission was  
requested through a letter from the competent authority  
of the institution. In addition, participants signed an  
informed consent to participate voluntarily.  
Data protection was ensured by anonymizing the  
questionnaires, secure storage in an encrypted database,  
and restricted access only to the research team. The data  
collected were tabulated and analyzed using the IBM  
SPSS Statistics program version 26. During the  
statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used to  
summarize the information and nonparametric tests  
were used to identify significant differences between  
the variables studied.  
Hernández et al., 2023).  
In contexts where childhood malnutrition is prevalent,  
nurses frequently care for children with severe malnutrition  
in their daily clinical practice. Their main objective is to  
protect and improve the health of children, providing  
adequate nutritional guidance to the pediatric population. In  
addition, nurses prioritize providing essential care in  
children's nutrition, offering assistance, education,  
guidance, and training from a family and social perspective  
of the child (Alulema et al., 2023). Implementing effective  
educational strategies can empower families and  
significantly improve nutritional outcomes (Melgarejo et  
al., 2022).  
A comprehensive approach to caring for malnourished  
children is vital; this involves not only treating malnutrition  
but also addressing underlying causes and any  
comorbidities. Education for families and coordination with  
other health professionals are crucial components of this  
comprehensive approach (Cuenca and Meza, 2020). Studies  
have shown that interprofessional collaboration improves  
health outcomes in malnourished children (Guamialamá et  
al., 2021).  
Nursing interventions to treat malnutrition in children  
include monitoring nutritional status, educating caregivers  
about proper diet, and administering nutritional  
supplements when necessary. Additionally, the nursing role  
includes checking for possible complications such as  
infections and digestive problems that are common in  
malnourished children (Guanga et al., 2022). Continuous  
training of nurses in malnutrition monitoring and  
management techniques is essential to improve the quality  
of care (Paz et al., 2022).  
There is a lack of understanding and detailed  
documentation about specific nursing interventions and  
their impact on the recovery of severely malnourished  
pediatric patients in the Pediatrics service of a hospital in  
the Machala canton. Although the importance of the role of  
nurses in the management of childhood malnutrition is  
recognized, there is a lack of studies that comprehensively  
evaluate how these interventions contribute to improving  
Nursing plays a pivotal role in addressing pediatric  
malnutrition by administering nutritional supplements,  
educating parents and caregivers, and closely  
monitoring patient responses. Nurses are also crucial in  
ensuring that patients receive adequate nutrition and  
collaborate extensively with the medical team to fulfill  
all nutritional requirements.  
As illustrated in Table 1, a significant majority of  
the professionals surveyed are women. This high  
proportion of female nursing staff mirrors broader  
trends within the profession and may impact work  
dynamics as well as interactions with patients and their  
families. Regarding the age distribution, there is a  
notable diversity among the staff, with 37.50% aged  
between 35 and 40 years. This mix of different ages  
brings together varied levels of experience and  
perspectives, potentially enriching the implementation  
of nutritional interventions and the adaptation to  
innovative practices.  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 21-25  
Table 1. Sociodemographic data of participants  
and 32% on child growth and development. This type of  
guidance not only supports healthy child development but  
also empowers mothers to make informed decisions  
regarding their child’s care. Etchegaray and Bustos (2021)  
highlight the critical role of nursing staff in ensuring that  
mothers receive the necessary support from the outset, which  
significantly contributes to the health and well-being of the  
child. This underlines the importance of structured and  
continuous educational efforts by healthcare professionals to  
address and mitigate the challenges of childhood nutrition  
-3 years  
Work experience  
4-7 years  
More than 7 years  
Table 3. Collaborative work  
Frequency Percentage  
The variability in work experience among nursing  
professionals can significantly impact the effectiveness of  
nutritional interventions in pediatric care. More seasoned  
nurses are often better equipped to manage complex cases of  
pediatric malnutrition due to their extensive experience.  
According to a study by Moreta et al. (2019), it is crucial  
for a licensed nurse specializing in pediatric care to possess  
both solid theoretical and practical training, as well as a  
genuine passion for working with children. The study's  
findings reveal that 60% of the respondents have between 1  
and 5 years of experience, 35% have 6 to 10 years, and 5%  
boast more than 10 years in the field. These statistics  
underscore the importance of robust training and a deep  
interest in pediatric care. Furthermore, they highlight the need  
to promote ongoing professional development within this  
specialty. Continuous education and training are vital for  
providing high-quality, comprehensive care to pediatric  
patients, which must be tailored to their unique needs and the  
evolving landscape of medical and nursing practices  
Does the nurse work  
closely with the medical  
team, including  
nutritionists, pediatricians,  
and other specialists, to  
ensure a comprehensive  
approach to treating  
Table 3 illustrates that 50% of the staff consistently  
collaborates with specialists for the comprehensive  
treatment of malnutrition, while the remaining 50%  
does so occasionally. Ortiz et al. (2022) stress the  
nutritionists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, and nurses  
in the clinical practice of nutritional support to deliver  
effective care to patients at risk, emphasizing the pivotal  
collaboration is crucial for the comprehensive treatment  
of malnutrition, as it allows for more complete and  
coordinated care (Ríos et al., 2022).  
Melgarejo et al., 2022).  
The management of nutritional therapy for  
critically ill children necessitates a comprehensive and  
specialized approach due to the complexity and  
sensitivity of these cases. Etchegaray et al. (2022)  
underline the significance of such therapy being  
managed by a multidisciplinary team, including a  
nutritionist specializing in intensive nutritional care.  
This specialization is essential to enhance and optimize  
nutrient administration. These professionals possess  
detailed knowledge about the specific nutritional needs  
of critically ill children and are adept at designing and  
adjusting nutritional plans that maximize nutrient  
absorption and facilitate recovery (Martínez et al.,  
2023). Moreover, their collaboration with other  
specialists ensures ongoing supervision and the  
necessary adjustments in nutritional therapy, adapting  
to the patient's evolving conditions (Hernández et al.,  
Table 2. Education  
Frequency Percentage  
Are the patient's parents or  
caregivers routinely  
educated by nursing staff  
about the importance of  
proper nutrition, nutritional  
supplementation, and other  
aspects of nutritional care?  
Table 2 reveals that only 37.50% of the patients' parents  
or caregivers receive consistent education on infant  
nutritional care, whereas 62.50% receive such education only  
occasionally. This irregularity in educational support is  
concerning given that childhood malnutrition continues to be  
a widespread issue. Cuenca and Meza (2020) emphasize the  
necessity of implementing educational programs targeted at  
families to provide continuous guidance on infant nutrition.  
These initiatives are critical for instilling effective nutritional  
practices, which can significantly reduce the risks of  
malnutrition and associated health issues in children. Thus, it  
is imperative to enhance and regularize nutritional education  
to ensure the healthy development of children.  
Table 4 shows that 100% of the surveyed nurses  
concur on the importance of implementing  
personalized care plan that includes parenteral or enteral  
nutrition, the administration of nutritional supplements,  
and the promotion of adequate nutrition for the patient.  
This unanimous agreement underscores the critical role  
that nursing professionals play in the comprehensive  
management of patient nutritional health, reflecting  
their commitment to ensuring the best possible  
outcomes for those under their care.  
In a related study by Martínez et al. (2023), it was found  
that 34% of surveyed mothers received information from  
nursing staff about breastfeeding, which is crucial in the  
initial days of an infant's life. Additionally, 16% received  
advice on maternal weaning, 18% on complementary feeding,  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 21-25  
Table 4. Care plans  
information gathering, an essential activity to pinpoint  
underlying causes of malnutrition and support evidence-  
based decisions, while another 12.5% focus on care planning,  
which is fundamental to structuring interventions and  
establishing a clear action plan to guide nursing staff and the  
team (Romero et al., 2019).  
In a study by Cortez and Pérez (2023), nursing  
professionals expressed their views on the essential  
characteristics needed to address childhood malnutrition  
effectively. Thirty-three percent consider that care should be  
Frequency Percentage  
Based on the  
assessment, is a  
personalized care plan  
developed for the patient  
including parenteral or  
enteral nutrition,  
administration of  
nutritional supplements,  
and promotion of  
adequate nutrition?  
biopsychosocial needs and coordinating actions with other  
health areas. Seventeen percent believe that emphasis should  
be placed on the prenatal and postnatal period, advocating for  
systematic and periodic growth and development checks.  
Fifteen percent state that encouraging breastfeeding, a proven  
tool to prevent childhood malnutrition, is crucial. Thirteen  
percent indicate that nutritional education should be  
promoted for both mothers and fathers, making them part of  
the process, and nine percent point out the importance of  
conducting thorough follow-ups on malnutrition cases.  
The insights from Cortez and Pérez (2023) provide a  
comprehensive view of the necessary qualities and the  
multidisciplinary approach required to effectively tackle  
pediatric malnutrition. While the current study delves into  
specific details on assessment, collaboration, and planning  
practices, both studies reinforce the necessity for  
comprehensive and well-coordinated care in the management  
of childhood malnutrition (Guamialamá et al., 2021).  
How does a nurse  
intervene in the event of  
a possible complication  
of malnutrition in a  
pediatric patient?  
According to Etchegaray et al. (2020), the enteral route  
is regarded as the most physiological, safe, and preferred  
method for providing nutritional support to critically ill  
children. The study further emphasizes that the selection of  
an appropriate enteral formula should be personalized,  
tailored to meet the specific nutritional needs and metabolic  
alterations of each child. Given that each patient has a unique  
metabolic profile, a standardized formula may not sufficiently  
address all their needs (Picbougoum et al., 2023). Therefore,  
personalized care is crucial to ensure the correct nutrients are  
provided in appropriate amounts. This approach underlines  
the significance of meticulously planned and executed  
nutritional care, supported by a multidisciplinary team and  
grounded in evidence-based practices (Moreta et al., 2019).  
Research conducted by Paz et al. (2020) reveals that  
This study presents several limitations that must be  
acknowledged to better understand its scope and constraints.  
First, the sample was limited to eight nursing graduates from  
the Pediatric Service of a single hospital in Machala canton,  
which may not be representative of the broader population of  
nursing professionals in different contexts or regions.  
Additionally, the use of non-probabilistic convenience  
sampling could introduce biases, affecting the  
generalizability of the results.  
Regarding the instruments used, although the  
questionnaire was validated by experts, its trichotomous  
nature and the inclusion of only one open question may limit  
the depth and variety of responses obtained. This design  
restricts the ability to capture more nuanced insights from  
participants. The statistical analysis, primarily based on  
descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests, may not  
adequately capture the complexities of the variables studied.  
Such methods are limited in their ability to explore deeper  
relationships among variables.  
Moreover, while data protection measures were deemed  
adequate, they could have been bolstered by implementing  
additional safeguards such as independent audits of data  
management practices to ensure privacy and integrity.  
Finally, the cross-sectional nature of the study precludes  
the establishment of causal relationships, restricting the  
findings to providing a descriptive snapshot of nursing  
interventions in pediatric malnutrition. These limitations  
should be carefully considered when interpreting the findings  
and underline the need for future research. Future studies  
should employ more robust designs and larger samples to  
7% of professionals claim to understand the stages required  
to implement a nursing intervention across different degrees  
of malnutrition, indicating their capability to apply this  
knowledge in practical settings with patients. Conversely, the  
remaining 33% reported unfamiliarity with these stages,  
highlighting the need for further training and capacity  
building among professionals and staff to enhance their  
expertise in this specialized area. It is essential to note that  
inadequate preparation can directly impact clinical practice,  
potentially affecting the quality of care and health outcomes  
for malnourished patients. Hence, the development and  
implementation of personalized care plans that promote  
patient improvement and recovery are imperative (Alulema et  
al., 2023).  
In addressing possible complications of malnutrition in  
pediatric patients, a variety of approaches and methods are  
observed in professional practice. This diversity reflects the  
varying perspectives adopted by respondents, which may be  
influenced by context and experience, shaping how  
complications of malnutrition are managed and addressed.  
Half (50%) of the professionals conduct a nutritional  
assessment, critical for identifying and quantifying  
malnutrition, adjusting interventions, and monitoring patient  
progress. A quarter (25%) of professionals prioritize  
collaborative work, underscoring the importance of a  
multidisciplinary approach to enhance intervention in  
pediatric malnutrition and improve comprehensive patient  
management. A small percentage (12.5%) engage in  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 21-25  
validate and expand upon the results obtained, thereby  
enhancing the reliability and applicability of the findings in  
similar healthcare settings.  
Guamialamá, J., Salazar, D., Portugal, C., & Tinoco, D. (2021). Evaluación  
nutricionaldeniñosdeuno atres añosen laParroquiade Calderón en  
Quito. Nutrición Clínica y Dietética Hospitalaria/Nutrición Clínica,  
Guanga, V., Miranda, A., Azogue, J., & Galarza, R. (2022). Desnutrición  
infantil en Ecuador, emergencia en los primeros 1000 días de vida,  
The study highlights a critical concern: the ongoing  
education for parents and caregivers on child nutritional care  
is sporadic and insufficient. This underscores the urgent need  
to implement more consistent and accessible educational  
programs to enhance the nutritional status and development  
of pediatric patients. Such programs are vital for equipping  
parents and caregivers with the knowledge necessary to  
support their children's health effectively.  
UTA, 6(3),  
Hernández, A., García, Hernández, D., & del Socorro, M. (2023). Proceso  
del cuidado enfermero en una paciente lactante con desnutrición  
aguda grave y consecuencia infecciosa. Investigación e Innovación:  
Enfermería, 3(2),  
The collaboration between nursing staff and other health  
specialists also shows variability; while some professionals  
engage actively in multidisciplinary teamwork, others  
collaborate only occasionally. This inconsistency points to a  
need for more structured and systematized approaches to  
teamwork, ensuring comprehensive and coordinated care in  
the treatment of childhood malnutrition. Strengthening this  
collaboration could bridge gaps in care and leverage diverse  
expertise to improve patient outcomes.  
Furthermore, all nursing professionals surveyed  
acknowledge the importance of implementing personalized  
care plans, which include parenteral or enteral nutrition, the  
administration of nutritional supplements, and the promotion  
of adequate nutrition. This consensus reflects a recognition of  
the effectiveness of personalized care plans in enhancing the  
quality of life and accelerating the recovery of malnourished  
pediatric patients. Personalized approaches are crucial as they  
allow treatments to be tailored to the specific needs and  
circumstances of each patient, thereby optimizing the efficacy  
of nutritional interventions.  
Lovera, L., & Cáceres, M. (2023). Nutritional status and nutritional support  
strategies in Pediatric Intensive Care Cali-Colombia. Enfermería  
Martínez, M., Roque, J., &Salvatierra, J. (2023). Accionarde enfermería en  
la prevención de la desnutrición crónica en niños menores de 5  
años. Polo del Conocimiento: Revista científico-profesional, 8(7),  
Melgarejo, G., Rivas, L., &Loli, R. (2022). Conceptualización y percepción  
de enfermería sobre el cuidado del niño. Revista Cubana de  
Moreta, H., Vallejo, C., Chiluiza, C., & Revelo, E. (2019). Desnutrición en  
Niños Menores de 5 Años: Complicaciones y Manejo a Nivel  
Ortiz, M., Parreño, D., Morejón, Y., & Juna, C. (2022). Alimentación  
familiar e indicadores antropométricos en escolares de una unidad  
educativa urbana, Quito, Ecuador. (2022). Eugenio Espejo, 16, 3.  
Paz, C., Toscano, F., Chuquimarca, R., & Arbeláez, G. (2020). Acciones de  
enfermería en la prevención de la desnutrición en niños menores de  
edad. Journal  
de desnutrición crónica y factores asociados en una cohorte de niños  
menores de 5 años. Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría, 24(1), 79-89.  
Picbougoum, T., Somda, M., Zango, S., Lohmann, J., De Allegri, M.,  
Saidou, H., Hien, H., Meda, N., & Robert, A. (2023). Nutritional  
Ríos,L.,Chams,L., Valencia,N., Hoyos,W., &Díaz,M.(2022).Seguridad  
alimentaria y estado nutricional en niños vinculados a centros de  
Rivera, J. (2022). El perfil de la desnutrición crónica infantil en Loja y el rol  
de las políticas públicas. Revista Económica, 10(1), 45-53.  
Romero, V., Sánchez, M., & Sandoval, T. (2018). Atención de enfermería  
aplicada al estado nutricional de los alumnos de una Unidad  
factores. 1526.  
Cortez, D., & Pérez, M. (2023). Desnutrición crónica infantil y sus efectos  
Cuenca, M., & Meza, H. (2020). El rol de la familia en el estado nutricional  
de los niños de 12 a 36 meses de edad Centro de Desarrollo Infantil  
Rincón 191-212.  
Cueva, M., Pérez, C., Ramos, M., & Guerrero, R. (2021). La desnutrición  
infantil en Ecuador. Una revisión de literatura. Boletín de  
ambiental, 61(4),  
Zhao, Y., Wang, J., & Singh, G. (2020). Macrosocial Inequality, Food  
Insecurity, and Malnutrition: A Mediation Analysis. Current  
Etchegaray, K., & Bustos, E. (2021). Evaluación y apoyo nutricional en el  
paciente pediátrico críticamente enfermo: Revisión de la  
Flores, P., & Congacha, G. (2021). Factores asociados a la desnutrición  
crónica infantil en Ecuador. Estudio basado en modelosderegresión  
y árboles de clasificación. Escuela Superior Politécnica del