South American Research Journal, 4(1), 13-20  
Do the liberal arts make better scientific  
El presente trabajo de revisión narrativa se centra en  
estudiar la relación entre las artes liberales y la investigación  
científica. Las artes liberales son disciplinas centradas en el  
formar habilidades y conocimientos que permiten a los  
individuos pensar de forma lógica, comunicarse de manera  
efectiva y mantener un pensamiento crítico de su entorno. A  
lo lago de la historia las artes liberales han demostrado ser  
diciplinas eficientes para la formación del conocimiento,  
pero ¿Cómo influye el desarrollo de las artes liberales en el  
desarrollo de investigadores científicos y en la difusión de  
información de este carácter? Se tuvieron en cuenta los  
aportes teóricos de estudios sobre las variables de  
investigación para la planificación de una investigación con  
metodología de enfoque cualitativo, mediante un tipo de  
investigación descriptiva, mediante la técnica de la revisión  
bibliográfica. Se parte de una perspectiva de las artes  
liberales centradas en las interpretaciones de la edad media,  
donde estas eran consideradas en relatos mitológicos que  
personificaban a cada una de estas artes como ayudantes  
divinos con la función de desarrollar el conocimiento del  
hombre. De igual manera, se presenta las características que  
se centran en la formación de un investigador científico para  
contrastar las variables. Entre los resultados más relevantes  
se establece que las artes liberales y la investigación  
científica, pese a parecer sistemas discordantes, son dos  
disciplinas que se complementan de manera adecuada en la  
búsqueda y desarrollo del conocimiento como del desarrollo  
humano. Las artes liberales influyen de manera positiva en  
la formación de investigadores académicos y en el avance  
de la investigación científica.  
Las artes liberales, ¿forman mejores  
investigadores científicos?  
Oscar Antonio Martínez-Ramón1 , Mariana Melida  
Riofrío-Vallejo2 , Darwin Rodrigo Cevallos-Cando3  
Marco Vinicio Farinango-Ramírez3  
y César Mauricio  
Instituto Superior Tecnológico San Antonio;  
Universidad Amawtay Wasi;  
Profesional independiente;  
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.  
Received: April 5, 2024 - Accepted: June 14, 2024 - Published: July 25,  
This narrative review paper focuses on the relationship  
between the liberal arts and scientific inquiry. The liberal  
arts are disciplines focused on forming skills and knowledge  
that allow individuals to think logically, communicate  
effectively and maintain critical thinking of their  
environment. Throughout history, the liberal arts have  
proven to be efficient disciplines for the formation of  
knowledge, but how does the development of the liberal arts  
influence the development of scientific researchers and the  
dissemination of scientific information? The theoretical  
contributions of studies on research variables were  
considered for the planning of a research with a qualitative  
approach methodology, by means of a descriptive type of  
research, using the technique of bibliographic review. It is  
based on a perspective of the liberal arts centered on the  
interpretations of the Middle Ages, where these were  
considered in mythological stories that personified each of  
these arts as divine helpers with the function of developing  
man's knowledge. Likewise, the characteristics that focus on  
the formation of a scientific researcher to contrast the  
variables are presented. Among the most relevant results, it  
is established that the liberal arts and scientific research,  
despite appearing to be discordant systems, are two  
disciplines that complement each other adequately in the  
search for and development of knowledge and human  
development. The liberal arts positively influence the  
formation of academic researchers and the advancement of  
scientific research.  
Palabras clave: Artes liberales, divulgación científica,  
estudio literario, investigador científico, filología.  
The liberal arts and scientific research are two  
seemingly distinct disciplines but complement each other  
perfectly in the pursuit of knowledge and human  
development. The liberal arts are characterized by their  
humanistic and multidisciplinary focus, aiming to develop  
in individuals’ skills such as creativity, critical analysis,  
and effective communication. These disciplines include  
areas such as philosophy, literature, history, social  
sciences, and the arts, among others.  
The work The Universe of the Weddings of Mercury  
and Philology, written by Martianus Capella in the mid-  
fifth century AD, uses a narrative style combining satire to  
draw the reader's attention and inform them about  
scientific knowledge. In this text, Mercury gifts Philology  
the trivium and quadriviumseven books that systematize  
classical knowledge, possibly serving as an encyclopedic  
manual of the liberal arts. The following section studies  
these books through a semiotic system called tarot, given  
the significant similarity between the maidens and the  
court characters and major arcana according to the  
Marseille edition. Their symbols closely resemble those of  
the century in which Martianus Capella wrote, showing  
Keywords: Liberal arts, scientific popularization,  
literary study, scientific researcher, philology.  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 13-20  
mystical tendencies, theurgical practices, and magical  
aspects. Additionally, printed versions of his work depict  
maidens with characteristics akin to tarot cards.  
liberal arts and scientific research was reviewed. The  
exclusion criterion is determined by documents do not  
present in indexed academic or scientific journals, a five-  
year time frame, and differences in the Spanish language.  
Literature Review  
To approach the paradigm of the liberal arts from this  
moment, it is addressed from a mystical perspective,  
considering that the union of Philology and Mercury  
represents a path whose goal is love; therefore, education  
through the liberal arts is seen as a magical path of the  
heart. In an increasingly technological and globalized  
world, the liberal arts play a fundamental role in forming  
complete and critical individuals capable of adapting to  
changes and thinking creatively. These disciplines  
promote empathy, tolerance, and critical thinking,  
essential skills today.  
On the other hand, scientific research focuses on  
answering specific questions through experimentation and  
data analysis. This discipline covers areas such as biology,  
physics, chemistry, mathematics, and engineering, among  
others. Scientific research is the driving force of progress  
and innovation today. Thanks to advancements in this area,  
discoveries have revolutionized medicine, technology,  
industry, and other fields. Without scientific research, we  
would not enjoy the technological and scientific advances  
we have today. This article explores the importance of  
these two areas of study and how their combination can  
lead to significant advances today.  
Information collection is established through a search  
on major academic platforms and search engines like  
Google Scholar. Keywords were established to expedite  
the search for documents with information on the study  
variables. A content review was then generated to  
determine if they represented relevance to the study  
process. The synthetic-analytical method is used to  
identify necessary content for the research. This method  
“is very useful for the search and processing of empirical,  
theoretical, and methodological information. Information  
analysis allows breaking it down to find what is essential  
in relation to the study object” (Somano and León 2020, p.  
Additionally, the descriptive method is applied,  
which focuses on “seeking initial knowledge of reality  
produced from the direct observation of the researcher and  
the knowledge obtained through reading or studying  
information provided by other authors” (Abreu, 2014,  
p.198). In this context, this method describes the current  
state of the study phenomenon by understanding the  
factors and elements characterizing it.  
Information Analysis  
The tool proposed is hermeneutics, which allows for  
the interpretation of texts consulted in the research  
process. Pérez et al. (2019) indicate that “hermeneutics has  
methodological orientations at its base that analyze the  
world and its epistemic place in research processes” (p.23).  
In this case, hermeneutics is used to analyze information  
related to the liberal arts and scientific researchers.  
Information Synthesis  
Type of Review  
This study is based on a bibliographic documentary  
research approach, as the information was obtained  
through various documents. According to Figueroa et al.  
2020): “The documentary research method is primarily  
used in qualitative studies. It involves an indirect approach  
to reality, based on secondary sources. Therefore, it  
accesses data available in written or visual sources  
generated by individuals, researchers, or institutions.”  
The technique used in this research is critical  
document analysis, allowing for evaluating the logical  
form of how an author develops ideas and analyzing  
possible errors. In this sense, critical analysis: “Is a process  
of evaluation that allows the reader to form an idea of the  
potential error in study results, whether due to bias or  
confusion. Critical analysis largely verifies whether the  
study meets certain desirable methodological criteria or  
conditions.” (Araujo, 2012, p.1).  
Critical analysis does not provide a definitive result  
regarding the study's results' accuracy; however, it  
represents an approximation of the reliability of the  
resulting information, supported by bibliographic analysis  
and content. Therefore, if the documentation and  
information analysis is reasonable and coherent, it  
proceeds to the interpretation, discussion, and synthesis of  
the results. Furthermore, the inductive method is proposed.  
According to Abreu (2014), this method “observes,  
studies, and knows the generic or common characteristics  
reflected in a set of realities to develop a proposal or  
general scientific law” (p.200). This method studies the  
research problem specifically to establish general  
conclusions about the relationship between liberal arts and  
scientific research.  
This allows for data analysis to obtain logical results  
through documents that recount previously occurring  
events. In this sense, a narrative research approach is  
applied, which “assumes that reality is subjective,  
dynamic, and composed of various situations; it conducts  
a deep and reflective study of the inter and intra subjective  
meanings that compose the studied reality” (Faneite, 2023,  
p.85), aiming to address the relationship of study variables  
through the narrative of the researchers.  
Research design  
The research design employed was a narrative  
literature review (Green et al., 2006). The narrative review  
allowed for a deep and contextualized understanding of  
how the liberal arts contribute to the development of  
critical skills and essential competencies in scientific  
researchers, providing an integral and coherent view of the  
multiple aspects addressed in the study.  
Source Selection  
The inclusion criterion corresponds to relevant  
theoretical information that contributes to the presentation  
and explanation of the study. Consequently, bibliographic  
information from authors who systematically describe the  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 13-20  
called Menippean satire. Its peculiarity lies in writing a  
critique of mental aptitudes, sidelining specific individuals.  
Valdez (2016) indicates that “It is the realization of satirical  
criticism through fantasy […] (pagan or Christian  
eschatology, dialogues with or of the dead)” (pp. 223-224),  
also highlighting its fantastic nature, an epic narrative. In  
this sense, it discusses the seven liberal arts as entities  
approaching the divine.  
The Trivium: Comprises three elements: knowledge,  
understanding, and teaching. From a perspective centered  
on areas of knowledge, this represents grammar, dialectic,  
and rhetoric. Each element is consequent of the previous  
one, representing the adequate path for knowledge  
development, understanding its creation, comprehension,  
and dissemination, generating a cyclical process that repeats  
to complete the same process. From a medieval perspective  
present in the book Nvptiis Philologiae Et Mercvrii, it is  
established that:  
“Mercury, fulfilling his duty as a husband, presented  
to Philology the main dowry of his divine wedding gift:  
seven wise maids who would help his beloved in her  
constant advancement toward knowledge. Three of them  
(Grammar, Rhetoric, and Dialectic) would take care of  
perfecting her inner world.” (De la Iglesia, 2021, p. 131).  
Philology: Refers to “the science that studies cultures  
as manifested in their language and literature, mainly  
through written texts” (Real Academia Española, 2014,  
definition 1). In this scenario, the three paths of knowledge  
are personified as servants to Philology for perfecting their  
internal processes related to the freedom of the person’s  
spirit. The three paths represent the foundations of the man’s  
evolutionary process; as man learns and develops skills in  
each path, he gets closer to the path of freedom and  
knowledge, forming his behaviors in the quest for truth.  
Grammar: The first path in the Trivium represents the  
proper use of language, writing, and reading. It represents  
an essential component in knowledge development,  
encompassing the basics of all knowledge. Through it,  
information is constructed and recorded. Grammar refines  
language skills, representing the correct use of words and  
their understanding. According to De la Iglesia (2021), its  
origins are depicted as follows:  
In this results section, based on a narrative review,  
multiple topics are addressed regarding the influence of the  
liberal arts on the formation of scientific researchers and the  
dissemination of scientific knowledge. The historical and  
conceptual evolution of the liberal arts is analyzed, along  
with their contributions to the development of critical skills  
such as logical thinking, effective communication, and  
creativity. Additionally, the essential characteristics that  
define a scientific researcher are described, and how these  
relate to the competencies developed through the liberal  
Liberal Arts: The liberal arts emerged in the Middle  
Ages, influenced by classical antiquity. Their purpose is to  
liberate the human being through education, comprising a  
set of study areas, including natural sciences, art,  
humanities, and social sciences.  
Collectively, the liberal arts constitute the ideal  
education serving students in the pursuit of science at its  
highest level. Education was divided into two categories:  
one composed of arts related to words and language study,  
and with whose knowledge it is possible to access the other  
category, such as arts of mathematical concepts. (Porras and  
Arranz, 2014, p. 377)  
The subjects comprising the liberal arts are intended to  
provide individuals with the necessary tools to strengthen  
critical thinking, develop skills and aptitudes. As mentioned  
earlier, the purpose of teaching this is to liberate the human  
being from ignorance, which prevents them from achieving  
a state of well-being.  
In the Middle Ages, the liberal arts were represented as  
female figures, something common at the time. Later, they  
were divided into two groups: the Trivium, including  
grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric, and the Quadrivium,  
including arithmetic, geometry, astrology, and music.  
According to Gonzales (2008), “The trivium focused on  
man and language, while the quadrivium aimed at  
understanding the cosmos from numbers, the par excellence  
instrument of measurement” (p. 36). Consequently, the  
union of these seven arts formed the highest universal  
expression of knowledge, considered the greatest effort of  
human understanding.  
According to Martianus Capella: To better  
understand the liberal arts, it is necessary to discuss the  
work of Martianus Capella, a Roman writer from Africa,  
who flourished in the 5th century. Nvptiis Philologiae Et  
Mercvrii is a work written in the second half of the 5th  
century AD, in the context of the conflictive Late Antiquity  
“In the beginning was the word, which places  
Grammar at the start of all knowledge, so Zeus, aware of  
this immutable precept, advanced the first maid presented  
by Mercury. She was undoubtedly an elderly woman but of  
great charm, who said she was born in Memphis when Osiris  
was still king, where, after remaining hidden and ignored for  
a long time, she was found by Mercury himself and brought  
to Greece.” (p. 131).  
As an art dedicated to improving language skills, its  
representations express the care of the mouth, ensuring it  
remains free of impurities that may impair its functioning.  
In this context, it is described that:  
“Her three basic functions: dental cleaning of those  
who pronounced vowels defectively, treatment of tongue  
diseases, and eradication of dirt generated in the city of  
Soloe”, all of which prevent correct vocalization,  
appropriate syllabic differentiation, and the maintenance of  
the necessary correspondence between the name and the  
nominated thing. (De la Iglesia, 2021, p. 133).  
Cardigni 2019). The work narrates the marriage between  
Mercury and Philology, representing each of the liberal arts  
as maidens with unique personalities distinguishing them  
from each other.  
The work consists of two main sections, intrinsically  
related to each other: the first two books, narrating how the  
god Mercury seeks a wife and how the chosen one,  
Philology, must strip off her mortal traits to ascend to the  
heavens and marry a god; and the remaining seven books,  
each dedicated to one of the Liberal Arts, which in the work  
are allegorical and respectable bridesmaids, a gift from the  
groom to his bride. (Cardigni, 2019, p. 27).  
One prominent characteristic of Nvptiis Philologiae Et  
Mercvrii is its style, written in prose, like that of novels,  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 13-20  
Proper grammar use elevates writing and reading style,  
enabling individuals to use figurative, stylized, and  
structurally rich language, capable of achieving the intended  
description of the idea, marking a significant difference  
when communicating with others.  
and countable elements. It delimits basic mathematical  
operations, focusing on developing logical thinking,  
problem-solving, and systematic analysis, considered one of  
the fundamental fields of various sciences. From a medieval  
perspective, it is determined that:  
Rhetoric: Considered the purest and most  
accomplished manifestation of language, rhetoric is  
complemented by grammar and dialectic, forming a  
cohesive path allowing individuals to properly articulate  
and execute words. Its use is directly related to literature due  
to the level of manifestation understood in its process. It is  
determined that rhetoric consists of the following elements:  
“Philology’s third thought was dedicated to numerical  
analysis, intending to discover the harmonic relationship  
that would link her with Mercury. She counted the number  
of letters in her future husband's name with her fingers; and  
did the same with her own.” (De la Iglesia, 2021, p. 129).  
In this context, it is established that numbers are  
inherent to life; consequently, operations and manipulations  
of quantities are essential in the development of human  
knowledge. From a medieval perspective, numbers were  
considered sacred due to various configurations and  
subjective representations of what they might represent.  
Thus, it is established as follows:  
the correct knowledge of the language, whose rules are  
established by Grammar’s wisdom, and the fluency and  
beauty of the exposition, both of which come not from  
natural abilities but from daily practice and effort” (De la  
Iglesia, 2021, p. 138).  
As the highest expression of language, rhetoric is  
interpreted as an elegant and prestigious element, capable of  
attracting the attention of anyone in its presence. Thus, “In  
Margarita Philosophica, Rhetoric is represented as an  
elegant and sumptuously dressed young matron, as her  
initial intention is to please those who come to hear her  
argumentation” (De la Iglesia, 2021, p. 139).  
“Recognize the sacred properties of the number one  
above all things and as the origin of even your divinity,  
which is why it is revered with the appellation of beginning.  
The unit is part of the whole and, at the same time, only  
needs itself to exist.” (De la Iglesia, 2021, p. 147).  
The art of arithmetic is represented in the foundations  
of the liberal arts as a young woman with two books, one in  
each hand, presenting the most important written  
representations of numerical operations, corresponding to  
“Pythagoras and Boethius, competing, one with the abacus  
and the other with Arabic numeration, to determine which  
system is the fastest in performing mathematical  
calculations” (De la Iglesia, 2021, p. 148).  
Dialectic: According to De la Iglesia (2021), dialectic  
responds to all learning disciplines, based on six elements:  
The first concerns terms, the second pronunciation, the  
third proposition, the fourth syllogisms, the fifth critical  
reasoning, and the sixth refers to the proper style of orators”  
p. 142). It guides logical thinking, argument analysis, and  
information synthesis, producing a final argument based on  
reliable knowledge. It is the work of thought that guides the  
dilution of objective information based on evaluations and  
perspectives of contradiction and affirmation.  
The Quadrivium: As its name suggests, corresponds  
to four elements or paths of knowledge. It represents the  
knowledge of numbers or the world’s external knowledge.  
It is recognized as the art of understanding the surroundings  
that encompass a person. The presented paths are considered  
studies of the art of numbers, leading to the development of  
thinking, knowledge, teaching, and learning. Its medieval  
origin establishes that:  
Music: Represents the second path of knowledge in  
the quadrivium, determined as the study of numbers through  
movement and their passage over time. Music is the art of  
interpreting the harmony of sound structure. It is deeply  
rooted in mathematical knowledge because it involves the  
logical and orderly understanding of symbols and elements  
that together form a general, objective, and coherent result.  
Historically, music is conceived as Arithmetic’s twin sister:  
“From the moment I was conceived as Arithmetic’s  
twin sister, I have never abandoned my relationship with  
numbers. I have followed and studied the orbits of the stellar  
spheres, assigning their swift movements the corresponding  
tones, allowing them to interpret the symphony of the stars  
known perfectly to all present here.” (De la Iglesia, 2021, p.  
Thus, music represents the art of combining elements  
forming complex and complete structures that result in the  
harmony of sound. This entire process, using the knowledge  
of composition elements, is established as a complete  
learning element.  
Geometry: This path studies and interprets  
numeration in space. It corresponds to the study of figures,  
lines, solids, and positions. It encompasses a natural thought  
of humans in the quest for knowledge through  
experimentation, measurement, and calculation of their  
surroundings. De la Iglesia (2021) states that:  
Mercury, fulfilling his duty as a husband, presented  
to Philology the main dowry of his divine wedding gift:  
seven wise maids who would help his beloved in her  
constant advancement toward knowledge […] the other four  
Arithmetic, Music, Geometry, and Astronomy) would  
provide her with a broader understanding of the external  
world.” (De la Iglesia, 2021, p. 131).  
While the trivium was characterized by internal  
knowledge and the development of inner skills, the  
quadrivium focuses on spatial aspects surrounding a person,  
those arts waiting to be studied and understood by humans,  
allowing for a broader understanding of their environment.  
These paths of the liberal arts respond to stillness and  
movement, contemplating an unavoidable duality of the  
exterior. “The Quadrivium is dedicated to quantity, which  
can be permanent and motionless (Arithmetic and  
Geometry) or permanently in motion (Music and  
Astronomy)” (De la Iglesia, 2021, p. 148).  
“The toga covering the head of Tibaldi’s Geometry is  
like Arithmetic’s, as both come from warmer lands than  
Greece. They grew in pre-Pharaoh Egypt, though their birth  
possibly took place in ancient Mesopotamia bathed by the  
Euphrates and Tigris.” (p. 157).  
Arithmetic: Represents the first path of the  
Quadrivium, focusing on the study of numbers, quantitative,  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 13-20  
Its focus is on studying the surroundings of humans,  
the things around them, and understanding these. Geometry  
develops through human curiosity and doubt in trying to  
discover the characteristics and compositions of elements  
forming their surroundings.  
Astronomy: The last path of the quadrivium is  
characterized by studying numbers in space and time. It  
encompasses the knowledge of location, navigation, and  
movement, as well as the times directly related to these. Its  
interest lies in understanding the disposition of external  
bodies, the rotation frequency, and positions. De la Iglesia  
general, that is, through knowledge of causes” (p. 281).  
Thus, a method, a means used to achieve an end, is  
established. For this purpose, Aristotle followed the steps of  
observation, experimentation, hypothesis, and theory.  
Additionally, he established that all information used to  
formulate knowledge is perceived through the senses.  
Burgos (2020) states that “For Aristotle, the starting point  
of any form of knowledge is the senses. This means that any  
mode of information enters through the eyes, ears, smell,  
etc.” (p. 285). In other words, knowledge creation is a  
specific quality of humans, starting with the perception of  
the surrounding reality through the senses.  
2021) manifests:  
It is represented with different iconographies in  
Qualities of the Scientific Researcher: The qualities  
and attitudes of scientific researchers are skills allowing  
them to investigate, analyze, and systematize data to meet  
their research objectives.  
Margarita Philosophica, depending on the various editions  
of Reisch's work during the 16th century. In the most known  
representation, Ptolemy, accompanied and advised by a  
young woman named Astrology, tries to measure the  
Moon's dimensions with a quadrant. At their feet, in the  
center of the iconography, stands a large astrolabe used to  
observe the position and movement of the stars.” (p. 161).  
Understanding the movement of space and the time it  
generates is proposed through numeration and calculations.  
It is understood that numbers are inherent to movement and  
time, allowing for precise results on how, when, and how  
long it will take for a specific action to occur within the  
cosmos field.  
Scientific Researchers: They are responsible for  
developing the search for knowledge that will answer great  
uncertainties of human thought. They are characterized by  
possessing both essential attitudes and scientific knowledge.  
According to Linares and Nápoles (2013), “The researcher  
is a specialist, a professional qualified by their accumulated  
knowledge to respond to certain unknowns occurring in  
their surroundings” (p. 211). Additionally, they focus on  
specific areas of knowledge, thus broadening understanding  
of these topics.  
Their relationship with science and the scientific  
method is fundamental to achieving research objectives. On  
the one hand, science is the set of knowledge that has been  
proven through observation and experimentation, leading to  
significant advances for humanity. Benítez (2020) expresses  
that “Science is the knowledge of the universal, which is  
demonstrable and valid for everyone” (p. 231). On the other  
hand, to achieve pure knowledge, appropriate  
methodologies are employed according to each research  
topic, called the scientific method, accepted verification  
systems by the scientific community.  
Table 1: Essential Attitudes of a Scientific Researcher  
The researcher must have integrity when  
processing data and handling results.  
The researcher should investigate unknown  
aspects and ask why things are the way they  
and The researcher must be consistent to achieve  
the research objectives.  
The researcher should act according to the  
research being conducted.  
The researcher must ensure a pleasant work  
Note: Delgado et al. (2020). Essential Competencies of the 21st-Century  
Scientific Researcher. Adapted by the Author.  
Table 2: Essential Knowledge of a Scientific Researcher  
Seeks to understand the nature of things  
through reasoned justification.  
Allows understanding the diversity of  
elements, applying rigorous steps to  
achieve knowledge.  
It is essential for researchers to master  
English, enabling knowledge sharing  
Knowledge transcending experience,  
leading to a rigorous, systematic, and  
comprehensible process to reach truth.  
It is an orderly process that allows generating  
Note: Delgado et al. (2020). Essential Competencies of the 21st-Century  
Scientific Researcher. Adapted by the Author.  
scientific knowledge of reality and verifying it, starting with  
identifying a problem, continuing with the review of  
existing literature on the identified problem. Based on this  
knowledge, hypotheses are proposed, then necessary  
information is collected for their verification or not, finally  
leading to conclusions constituting provisional scientific  
knowledge.” (Yuni and Urbano, 2020, p. 171).  
The great reference and creator of the scientific method  
was Aristotle, who began with particular observations until  
reaching general principles through observation. Burgos et  
al. (2020) explain that “Aristotle privileges the analysis of  
deductive reasoning, especially categorical deductive  
reasoning or syllogism. He considers that scientific  
knowledge is achieved by deducing the particular from the  
Table 3: Essential Skills of a Scientific Researcher  
Necessary skill for forming excellent teams,  
not only for work but also for friendship.  
Necessary to respect intellectual property,  
adhere to scientific community norms, and  
maintain integrity in all research stages.  
Skill enabling the researcher to be disciplined  
in the research process.  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 13-20  
Note: Delgado et al. (2020). Essential Competencies of the 21st-Century  
Scientific Researcher. Adapted by the Author.  
…) finally leading to conclusions constituting provisional  
scientific knowledge. (Yuni and Urbano, 2020, p. 171).  
The liberal arts can form better scientific researchers  
because they encompass a process aimed at forming and  
growing individuals through knowledge, a process inherent  
to scientific research development and production. The lack  
of research in this field or related to training is due to the  
lack of establishment with the liberal focus.  
The liberal arts foster critical thinking development by  
exposing individuals to different perspectives, criteria,  
thought currents, and forms of expression. In this sense,  
critical thinking represents a fundamental skill for scientific  
researchers, allowing them to question study objects and  
phenomena, analyze information objectively, and reach  
well-founded conclusions.  
Likewise, by establishing disciplines focused on the  
free development of humans, they represent a degree of  
creativity, inspiring individuals to explore new ideas,  
experiment with different knowledge areas, and develop  
their criteria. In scientific production, creativity is essential,  
driving researchers to think innovatively, propose original  
solutions, and address problems from different angles, thus  
encompassing the research problem's solution with  
objective and original criteria. Thus, “Science currently  
must be understood as an inclusive space in which art—  
through artistic researchprovides new forms of  
information to understand the world” (Zambrano, 2016,  
The liberal arts represent the foundation for developing  
scientific articles, publications, productions, and research.  
Despite being considered arts, the disciplines within the  
Trivium and Quadrivium are inherently disciplines of  
knowledge. The literary and logical-mathematical focus of  
the arts forms the basic conceptions for developing more  
complex studies established in scientific productions.  
The liberal arts and scientific production maintain a  
direct connection in the search, development, and  
dissemination of knowledge. These two concepts share a  
common goal centered on knowledge development in  
individuals and the dissemination of this information to  
society. While the former focuses on developing knowledge  
in humans, the latter focuses on disseminating research for  
By addressing various disciplines that can approach a  
research problem from a logical and social perspective,  
maintaining a contrast from literature and mathematics.  
Benítez (2020) expresses that “Science is the knowledge of  
the universal, which is demonstrable and valid for  
everyone” (p. 231). The research and academic  
development approach comprehends the functioning of both  
scenarios, as researchers must be capable of generating  
knowledge and conveying it adequately, using a language  
specific to academia to communicate their ideas and study  
Indirect connections are established; both seek  
knowledge, and, in some way, academics return to the  
foundations presented in the liberal arts. From these, desires  
to learn, analyze, and study the environment originate.  
While not established in a purely academic space like  
various research topics, it focuses on generating information  
for humans. While one seeks human liberation through  
learning, the other uses the same learning processes to  
elevate individuals to social and academic levels.  
The paths of the liberal arts represent a structured  
process of knowledge formation, establishing particularities  
that focus on logical, critical, and systematic information  
development. These processes correspond directly to the  
programmed actions for creating scientific content. Nápoles  
The findings indicate that, although the liberal arts and  
scientific research may seem like distinct disciplines, they  
can effectively complement each other in the pursuit of  
knowledge and human development.  
It is determined that the liberal arts represent  
disciplines aimed at developing critical thinking, logic, and  
individuals' analytical capacity. These include areas such as  
literature, rhetoric, mathematics, among others. While they  
may seem distant disciplines from the scientific  
environment, the liberal arts play a necessary role in  
forming researchers. One of the main contributions to  
scientific research is developing critical and logical  
thinking. Researchers trained in disciplines like literature or  
philosophy can critically analyze and evaluate research  
Likewise, another faculty presented through the liberal  
arts is effective communication. Researchers must be able  
to coherently communicate their ideas and results, both in  
writing scientific articles and in different forms of  
information dissemination. The disciplines presented in the  
trivium, such as literature and writing, teach researchers to  
express themselves persuasively and adapt their  
communication style to academic audiences, where  
adequate result dissemination is crucial for advancing  
2013) states, “The researcher is a specialist, a professional  
qualified by their accumulated knowledge to respond to  
certain unknowns occurring in their surroundings” (p. 211).  
Thus, the liberal arts are directly related to developing  
scientific content. The liberal arts are sciences and  
encompass disciplines related to language and mathematics,  
fundamental to any science, established in statistical data  
analysis and the correct presentation of results through  
proper language use.  
Considering the liberal arts outside the academic  
context would be to deny knowledge itself. These variables  
must be understood as knowledge formers. In another sense,  
the arts are science, establishing knowledge dedicated to  
individual liberation, which, beyond developing scientific  
capacity, focuses on establishing academic growth in  
These disciplines provide researchers with a deep  
understanding of the society and culture framing their  
research, allowing them to contextualize their studies,  
identify trends, and understand the influence of social and  
individual formation, developing  
process of  
internalization, understanding, and development of research  
foundations. Understanding “an orderly process that allows  
generating scientific knowledge of reality and verifying it,  
cultural This  
interdisciplinary perspective is indispensable in current  
South American Research Journal, 4(1), 13-20  
scientific research, increasingly facing complex problems  
requiring a holistic approach.  
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The influence of the liberal arts on scientific research  
is evident in the production and development of knowledge,  
in the way researchers approach their studies, formulate  
research questions, and present their study results.  
Considering the influence of the liberal arts on scientific  
research, it is necessary for educational institutions to  
integrate these disciplines into researchers' training. Thus,  
higher education should foster interdisciplinarity and  
promote collaboration between different knowledge areas to  
encourage innovation in scientific research.  
It is considered that the liberal arts and scientific  
research, despite appearing discordant systems, are two  
disciplines that adequately complement each other in the  
search for and development of knowledge and human  
advancement. The liberal arts positively influence the  
formation of academic researchers and the advancement of  
scientific research. It is established that the disciplines  
present in this focus not only provide the fundamental  
research skills such as critical thinking and effective  
communication but also foster a deep understanding of the  
study areas framing the research. Consequently, integrating  
the liberal arts into scientific training is essential to fostering  
creativity, innovation, and progress in the research field.  
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