South American Research Journal, 3(1), 59-65  
Construct validity properties of the Beck  
Anxiety and Depression Inventories in  
Kichwa-speaking Cañari adolescents in  
La evidencia epidemiológica sugiere que los trastornos  
de ansiedad y depresión son comunes, y que a menudo se  
evalúan mediante autoinformes. Sin embargo, la validez del  
contenido de los autoinformes puede variar entre diferentes  
culturas, lo que es relevante para los objetivos del presente  
estudio. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este estudio fue evaluar  
la validez del constructo mediante Análisis Factorial  
Confirmatorio en una muestra de 230 estudiantes bilingües de  
los cantones El Cañar, El Tambo y Suscal, que hablan  
kichwa, una lengua indígena del Ecuador. El análisis de los  
resultados se realizó utilizando la plataforma estadística R y  
el paquete Lavaan. Los resultados demostraron que ambos  
instrumentos tienen validez de constructo en la lengua  
kichwa, con un RMSEA de 0,025, SRMR de 0.049, TLI de  
Propiedades de validez del constructo de  
los Inventarios de Ansiedad y Depresión de  
Beck en adolescentes cañaris kichwa-  
hablantes del Ecuador  
Ángel Chucho-Cuvi1  
Carlos Andrade-Bayona2  
.920, CFI de 0.924 y X2/gl de 1.15. Además, el nivel de  
fiabilidad fue alto, con un coeficiente ω de McDonald de  
,964 para el inventario de depresión y 0,952 para el  
1Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe Daniel  
Clavijo Iglesias” del Sistema de Educación Intercultural  
inventario de ansiedad. Por lo tanto, los autores del estudio  
recomiendan su uso para evaluar la ansiedad y la depresión  
en adolescentes en instituciones educativas bilingües que  
hablan kichwa. En resumen, la validación de instrumentos de  
evaluación es fundamental para garantizar la precisión y la  
fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos, especialmente en  
culturas y grupos lingüísticos diferentes. El presente estudio  
proporciona evidencia de la validez y la fiabilidad de dos  
escalas de autoinforme para evaluar la ansiedad y la depresión  
en adolescentes que hablan kichwa, lo que puede ayudar a  
mejorar la atención y el tratamiento de estas condiciones en  
este grupo de población.  
Bilingüe del Ecuador, Comunidad de Cebadas, Cañar, Ecuador.  
Asesoría en Investigación Académica (AiA) de Cabrera y  
Andrade Cía. Ltda., Edif. Cámara de Industrias de Cuenca, Av.  
Florencia Astudillo s/n., Cuenca, Ecuador.  
Reception: January 1 , 2023  Acceptance: July 4 , 2023  Publication:  
July 4 , 2023  
Epidemiological evidence suggests that anxiety  
disorders and depression are prevalent and often evaluated  
through self-reports. However, the content validity of self-  
reports can vary across cultures, which is pertinent to our  
study's objectives. Thus, our study aimed to assess construct  
validity using Confirmatory Factor Analysis among 230  
bilingual students from the cantons of El Cañar, El Tambo,  
and Suscal, who speak Kichwa, an indigenous language of  
Ecuador. We conducted the analysis of the results using the  
R statistical platform and the Lavaan package. The findings  
demonstrated that both instruments exhibited construct  
validity in the Kichwa language, as indicated by an RMSEA  
of 0.025, SRMR of 0.049, TLI of 0.920, CFI of 0.924, and  
X2/gl of 1.15. Moreover, the reliability level was high, with  
a McDonald's ω coefficient of 0.964 for the depression  
inventory and 0.952 for the anxiety inventory. Based on these  
results, we recommend the utilization of these instruments for  
assessing anxiety and depression in Kichwa-speaking  
adolescents within bilingual educational institutions. In  
summary, validating assessment instruments is crucial to  
ensure the accuracy and reliability of obtained results,  
particularly when dealing with different cultures and  
language groups. This study offers evidence regarding the  
validity and reliability of two self-report scales for assessing  
anxiety and depression in Kichwa-speaking adolescents,  
thereby contributing to the enhancement of care and treatment  
for these conditions within this specific population group.  
Palabras clave: ansiedad, depresión, inventario de  
Beck, kichwa.  
Until now, to measure anxiety and depression in  
adolescents, inventories in Spanish have been used, which  
makes it difficult to implement linguistic policies, as  
established in numeral 9, article 347 of the Constitution of the  
Republic of Ecuador (2008): "The State shall guarantee  
education according to the language of its nationality"  
(p.107); in this case, the Kichwa language. Given the absence  
of an instrument that responds to the cultural and linguistic  
conditions of this population, the objective of this study is to  
adapt the Beck Inventory for measuring anxiety and  
depression in Kichwa adolescents to Kichwa, in order to  
respond to the social problems that these disorders represent  
in adolescents of the native peoples of the cantons of El  
Cañar, El Tambo and Suscal.  
Anxiety and depression are disorders that have a  
significant prevalence in the stages of childhood and  
adolescence, where age is a determining factor in their  
clinical expression (Sanchez and Cohen, 2020). COVID-19  
health conditions have had an important impact on mental  
health, with 27% of cases of anxiety and 15% of depression  
in adolescents and young people between 13 and 29 years of  
age being recorded in Latin America and the Caribbean  
(UNICEF, 2020).  
Key words: anxiety, depression, Beck inventory,  
South American Research Journal, 3(1), 59-65  
According to the DSM, depression and anxiety in  
adolescents should be assessed with validated instruments in  
the native language (Creswell et al., 2014). However, in  
Ecuador, a diverse country with 18 indigenous nationalities  
and 14 peoples whose mother tongue is Kichwa, the loss of  
communication in this language is increasingly observed,  
which extends to the psychological care processes provided  
to this population.  
Kichwa-speaking adolescents in Cañar, El Tambo and  
Suscal cantons are evaluated by psychologists who only work  
in Spanish. The mother tongue (Kichwa), which would allow  
a better observation of the psychoemotional profile of an  
adolescent, is not taken into account. Therefore, it is urgent to  
have a tool to assess anxiety and depression in the mother  
tongue of these students.  
psychology practitioners (Bennett et al., 1997). Several  
studies have explored the validity of these instruments for use  
in diverse adolescent communities worldwide and across  
different languages (Byrne et al., 2004). For instance, the  
Spanish version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory has exhibited  
sound psychometric properties (Sanz et al., 2012; Melipillán  
Araneda et al., 2008).  
However, no studies have yet examined the adaptation  
of these instruments specifically for Kichwa-speaking  
adolescents. The only existing adaptation to assess anxiety  
and depression in a similar language is the Quechua version  
of the DASS-21, which is designed exclusively for the adult  
Theoretical framework  
This area helps to strengthen the intercultural bilingual  
education system in the bilingual institutions distributed in  
the Cañar, El Tambo and Suscal cantons, thus complying with  
art. 57, which states:  
The term adolescence, derived from the Latin word  
adolescere, meaning "growing into adulthood" (Gaete, 2015,  
p. 437), represents the transitional stage between childhood  
and adulthood within the complex process of human  
development. It is characterized by the progressive  
maturation of physical, psychological, and social aspects,  
ultimately leading to the formation of independent adults  
(Gaete, 2015). In Ecuador, the adolescent population aged 12  
to 17 years is estimated to be approximately 1.9 million  
(Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos [INEC], 2010).  
Anxiety and depression disorders often emerge during  
childhood and adolescence, progressing gradually and  
potentially becoming persistent and chronic (Riordan and  
Singhal, 2018). Globally, depression ranks as the leading  
cause of illness and disability within this age group, with  
suicide ranking third among causes of mortality (WHO,  
Anxiety can arise when individuals experience worry,  
unease, or fear regarding anticipated or hypothetical future  
events (Rector et al., 2008). It can be likened to fear, as it  
emerges when children or adolescents perceive an immediate  
threat, whether real or imaginary. While anxiety can serve as  
an adaptive response to prepare individuals to face danger and  
adapt to changes, it can also become pathological when it  
occurs disproportionately or without justifiable factors  
(Sanchez and Cohen, 2020).  
Anxiety disorders have a significant impact on the  
physical and mental well-being of individuals, resulting in  
increased utilization of healthcare services, higher levels of  
school absenteeism, and imposing a substantial economic  
burden on families (Fineberg et al., 2013; Gómez and  
Calderón, 2017). Ultimately, anxiety disorders significantly  
and negatively affect an individual's quality of life and are  
associated with deterioration in personal and social  
functioning, often co-occurring with other disorders and  
increasing the risk of suicide (Martínez and López, 2011;  
Hoge et al., 2012).  
The symptoms of anxiety primarily manifest at two  
levels: a) physical symptoms, such as dizziness, fatigue,  
palpitations, muscle pain, muscle tension, tremors, dry  
mouth, excessive sweating, difficulty breathing, abdominal  
pain, nausea, headache, and insomnia; and b) psychological  
symptoms, including restlessness, feelings of dread, difficulty  
concentrating, irritability, a constant state of vigilance,  
avoidance of certain situations, and social isolation (Martinez  
and Lopez, 2011; Remes et al., 2016).  
Se reconoce y garantizará a las comunas, comunidades,  
pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas de conforme con la  
Constitución y con los pactos, convenios, declaraciones  
y demás instrumentos internacionales de derechos  
humanos, el derecho a mantener, desarrollar y fortalecer  
libremente su identidad, sentido de pertenencia,  
tradiciones ancestrales y formas de organización social  
Constitución de la República del Ecuador, 2008, p. 26).  
Due to this provision, indigenous peoples and  
nationalities possess the entitlement to receive essential  
services, including healthcare, in their native language.  
Consequently, the absence of a psychological evaluation  
instrument translated into Kichwa undermines the effective  
assessment, identification, and treatment of mental health  
issues among Kichwa adolescents, hindering their proper  
development in this regard.  
Article 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of  
Ecuador (2008) stipulates that the "Estado garantizará el  
derecho de las personas a aprender en su propia lengua y  
ámbito cultural" (p. 17) - "The State shall guarantee the right  
of individuals to learn in their own language and cultural  
context." Similarly, article 343 emphasizes that "el sistema  
nacional de educación integrará una visión intercultural  
acorde con la diversidad geográfica, cultural y lingüística del  
país y el respeto a los derechos de las comunidades, pueblos  
y nacionalidades" (p. 106) - "The national education system  
shall incorporate an intercultural perspective in accordance  
with the geographic, cultural, and linguistic diversity of the  
country, while respecting the rights of communities, peoples,  
and nationalities." However, both the Student Counseling  
Department (DECE) and the professionals working in the  
field of education provide services exclusively in Spanish,  
thereby impeding a thorough evaluation of anxiety and  
depression disorders among Kichwa-speaking students.  
Among the numerous scales available for identifying  
depression and anxiety in adolescents, the Beck et al.  
Depression Inventory (1961) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory  
1988) have demonstrated substantial empirical evidence.  
Since the 1960s, both instruments have exhibited high  
effectiveness in assessing anxiety and depression (Ambrosini  
et al., 1991; Teri, 1982), being utilized in adolescent  
populations by both general psychology and clinical  
According to the annual State of the Population report  
published by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA,  
South American Research Journal, 3(1), 59-65  
014), there are approximately 1.8 billion young people aged  
0 to 24 worldwide, accounting for nearly 25% of the total  
results in terms of model adequacy, internal consistency, and  
correlations with other depression, anxiety, and stress scales.  
Although limitations were noted regarding the representation  
of subjects over 65 years of age in the sample, the findings  
support the usefulness and reliability of the DASS-21 in the  
Brazilian context.  
Within this context, we propose to examine the validity  
and reliability of Beck's anxiety and depression constructs in  
the Kichwa language among Cañari students in Ecuador.  
global population. Many of these individuals face  
developmental challenges that require attention, with anxiety  
being the most prevalent form of psychopathology,  
surpassing rates of depression and conduct disorders, and  
exhibiting prevalence rates ranging from 10% to 20%  
Ochando and Peris, 2016; Riordan and Singhal, 2018;  
Guerrero and Sanchez, 2019).  
Among adolescents aged 15 to 19, elevated levels of  
depression (including suicide) are associated with psychiatric  
disorders and dissatisfaction with body image, contributing to  
the three leading causes of mortality and illness worldwide.  
In 2012 alone, an estimated 1.3 million adolescents  
worldwide died from suicide related to depression (Pan  
American Health Organization, 2014).  
Early detection and treatment of these disorders are  
crucial to minimize their impact on various aspects of an  
adolescent's life, including their family, social interactions,  
and academic performance, as well as to prevent their  
persistence into adulthood (Guerrero & Sanchez, 2019).  
Therefore, it is essential to have assessment tools that can  
evaluate these symptoms in adolescents across different  
For instance, in Kenya, an adaptation of the Swahili  
version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II was conducted  
through in-depth interviews with 29 adult community  
members to gain insights into their understanding of  
depression and identify aspects of the BDI-II that required  
adjustments. The validity assessment revealed culturally  
relevant idioms and symptoms such as "thinking too much"  
and "Kuchoka moyo" (having a tired heart), necessitating  
modifications in the administration of the BDI to  
accommodate the low literacy levels of the participants  
El presente estudio emplea un diseño de investigación  
instrumental, específicamente un análisis factorial  
confirmatorio, con el propósito de adaptar un instrumento a  
un contexto específico (Cabrera-Tenecela, 2023). El análisis  
factorial confirmatorio es una técnica estadística ampliamente  
utilizada para evaluar la validez de constructo de un  
instrumento de medición.  
A total of 880 adolescent students who are bilingual in  
Kichwa and Spanish, residing in Cañar, El Tambo, and Suscal  
cantons, were included in the population. From this  
population, a sample of 230 students was selected based on  
their preference to respond in Kichwa when given the option  
to choose between Kichwa and Spanish. The average age of  
the participants is 15 years old (SD 3.09), with a minimum  
age of 13 and a maximum age of 18. These students are  
enrolled in the ninth and tenth grades of general basic  
education, as well as the first, second, and third grades of high  
The questionnaire used in the study consists of 21 items  
to assess anxiety and 21 items to assess depression. The  
authors translated these items into Kichwa and had them  
reviewed by linguists who are experts in the language. The  
translation aimed to maintain fidelity to the original English  
versions formulated by Beck.  
Data collection was conducted using the online program  
KoboToolbox, and the collected information was processed  
in the R Studio platform. To analyze the construct validity,  
Confirmatory Factor Analysis from the Lavaan package  
Abubakar et al., 2016).  
The importance of using validated psychological  
instruments becomes evident from the aforementioned  
examples. Validated instruments ensure the reliability and  
validity of the results, enabling healthcare professionals to  
make informed clinical decisions and recommend appropriate  
treatments. Moreover, the use of validated instruments can  
help reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with  
these conditions, creating a more comfortable environment  
for adolescents and facilitating better treatment outcomes  
Rossel, 2012) was employed. This analysis allowed for the  
calculation of robust fit indices, such as the diagonally  
weighted least squares (DWLS) for small samples and non-  
normally distributed data. The program facilitated the  
determination of robust model fit measures, including  
RMSEA (Root Mean Error), SRMR (Standardized Residual  
Square Root), TLI (Tucker-Lewis Index), CFI (Comparative  
Fit Index), and X2/gl (Chi-square Fit Index divided by  
degrees of freedom). Additionally, Cronbach's alpha (α) and  
McDonald's omega (ω) reliability coefficients were  
computed to assess the internal consistency of each scale.  
Argibay, 2006). Hence, it is crucial for healthcare  
professionals to utilize validated instruments when assessing  
depression and anxiety in adolescents.  
Previous research has examined the adaptation and  
validation of instruments like the BDI and the DASS-21 in  
various linguistic and cultural contexts. For instance, Alansari  
2006) assessed the appropriateness and consistency of the  
BDI-II in an Arabic version developed by Ghareeb (2000).  
The coefficient alphas were examined using samples of  
university students from different Arab countries,  
demonstrating favorable feasibility and consistency in the  
Arab context, indicating its potential use in cross-cultural  
research. Similarly, Giannakou et al. (2013) evaluated the  
psychometric properties of the BDI-II in the Greek  
population, showing high internal consistency, test-retest  
reliability, and validity. Factor analysis revealed two factors  
that accounted for 42.54% of the total variance, and a cutoff  
score based on patient data was proposed. In another study,  
Batistelli and Marcassa (2014) adapted and validated the  
DASS-21 scale in Brazilian Portuguese, obtaining positive  
The analysis conducted on the validity properties  
demonstrates that the construct proposed by Beck et al.  
remains intact when translating the instrument into the  
Kichwa language. The achieved fit indices exhibit  
exceptionally high values in all cases, indicating a significant  
p-value for the exact chi-square statistic test, albeit not  
extremely low (p=0.002). Regarding the root mean error of  
approximation (RMSEA), it is expected to be below 0.08,  
South American Research Journal, 3(1), 59-65  
even in its upper interval. In this instance, the upper interval  
is 0.033, the lower interval is 0.016, and the attained value is  
this threshold, reaching a value of 0.924. The Tucker-Lewis  
Index also demonstrates a similar level to the CFI, with a  
value of 0.920. Lastly, the X2/gl ratio yields a value below 2  
points (specifically, 1.15), indicating successful fulfillment of  
its purpose. Table 1 presents the attained indices.  
.025. The standardized square root residual (SRMR), which  
is also anticipated to be below 0.08, is observed to be 0.049  
in this study. While the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) is  
anticipated to equal or exceed 0.950, it falls slightly short of  
Table 1  
Analysis of absolute, incremental and parsimony indices for the generated models  
X (gl)  
RMSEA [IC 90%]  
X /gl  
936.991 (818gl)  
0.025 [.016 .033]  
Note. RMSEA = Root mean error of approximation; SRMR = standardized root mean residual; TLI = Tucker-Lewis Index; CFI = Comparative fit index; X /gl =  
Chi-square fit index divided by degrees of freedom  
Figure 1 displays the factor loadings obtained during the  
validation process, where each item exhibits a contribution  
greater than or equal to 0.60. This signifies that all the items  
provide substantial support for evaluating anxiety and  
depression using the Kichwa questionnaire. Furthermore, an  
inter-correlation level of 0.72 is observed between the two  
scales, underscoring the importance of assessing both aspects  
in non-clinical populations, although separate evaluations are  
also possible.  
Table 2 presents the outcomes of the construct's internal  
consistency, revealing a high reliability for both depression  
and anxiety. This is evidenced by the Cronbach's α and  
McDonald's ω reliability coefficients, both of which exceed  
0.950 in this study. Hence, depending on the circumstances,  
it is feasible to evaluate each disorder individually or  
collectively, as was done in this particular investigation.  
It is important to note that the assessment of these  
constructs should be conducted by a psychologist who can  
interpret the results by summing the item scores and utilizing  
cut-off points. For anxiety, the minimum levels are as  
follows: minimal anxiety (0-7 points), mild anxiety (8-15  
points), moderate anxiety (16-25 points), and severe anxiety  
(26-63 points). For depression, the minimum levels are:  
minimal depression (0-13 points), mild depression (14-19  
points), moderate depression (20-28 points), and severe  
depression (29-63 points).  
Figura 1  
Path analysis of the standardized values for the factor loadings for the Beck anxiety and depression scales  
Note. ASIE means Anxiety and DEPRE means depression. P means item or question.  
South American Research Journal, 3(1), 59-65  
Table 2  
Internal consistency analysis of the Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventory in Kichwa language.  
α de Cronbach  
ω de McDonald  
Depression (DEPRE)  
Anxiety (ANSIE)  
In summary, although there are similarities in terms of  
adapting and validating instruments for assessing depression  
and anxiety in diverse cultural contexts, it is crucial to  
acknowledge the differences concerning the assessed  
languages, reported fit indices, and sample types. These  
differences emphasize the importance of considering the  
cultural and linguistic context when adapting and validating  
psychological assessment instruments to obtain more precise  
and meaningful results.  
Hence, we can conclude that the translation of the Beck  
Anxiety and Depression Inventory into Kichwa with the  
Cañari dialect is a significant initiative that enhances access  
to psychological care for indigenous peoples in Ecuador. The  
application of the inventory among Kichwa-speaking  
adolescents from Cañar, El Tambo, and Suscal cantons  
involved the active participation of students who culturally  
identify with Kichwa as their mother tongue (n=230) as well  
as those who primarily identify with Spanish (n=210). Similar  
to adaptations made in languages with limited speakers and  
scarce textual resources in other countries (Abubakar et al.,  
The main limitation of our study is the size of the  
sample selected. This sample may not be completely  
representative of the total population, which limits the  
generalizability of our findings to a broader context. Another  
limitation to consider is the specificity of the population  
studied. Our study focused on adolescent students in basic  
general education and high school in the aforementioned  
cantons. This limits the applicability of our results to other  
populations, such as adults or people from different  
geographical contexts. In summary, although our study has  
provided valuable information on the adaptation and  
validation of depression and anxiety assessment instruments  
in the Kichwa language, it is important to take into account  
the limitations of the sample size, the specificity of the  
population studied, the translation of the items, the  
assumptions of the factor analysis, and the reliability  
assessment. These limitations highlight the need for future  
research to address these issues and expand the applicability  
of the instruments to different populations and contexts.  
016), it was necessary to consult Kichwa and language  
experts to ensure the translation and interpretation processes  
preserved the meaning and reference of the original scale.  
The scale has demonstrated satisfactory construct  
validity in terms of dimensionality and reliability, as  
evidenced by the exploratory factor analysis conducted  
among the two population groups. Consequently, it is  
recommended to offer the population under study the option  
to choose psychological assessment instruments in the  
language they primarily identify with. In this case, the  
Kichwa version has exhibited an even better fit across all the  
validated and reliable indices, while the Spanish version has  
shown levels comparable to those tested in other studies. The  
scale's validity aligns with Beck's original proposition, which  
aimed to measure anxiety (Beck et al., 1988) and depression  
Beck et al., 1961) in children and adults.  
When analyzing the results obtained in our study, it is  
notable to observe anxiety levels surpassing those reported in  
other studies. Several authors have indicated anxiety  
prevalence ranging from 10% to 20% (Ochando and Peris,  
016; Riordan and Singhal, 2018; Guerrero and Sanchez,  
019), figures lower than the 35% found within the analyzed  
Cañari population. This disparity underscores the  
significance of assessing these behaviors, as they often have  
severe repercussions on the population when associated with  
self-injurious behaviors and even suicide (PAHO, 2014;  
WHO, 2015).  
Regarding the adaptation and validation of instruments  
in languages other than English, our study, similar to those  
conducted by Alansari (2006) and Batistelli and Marcassa  
The adaptation and validation of the Beck Depression  
and Anxiety Inventory to the Kichwa language has provided  
promising results. The fit indices obtained indicate good  
validity of the instrument, supporting its usefulness and  
reliability for assessing depression and anxiety in non-clinical  
populations of bilingual Kichwa-speaking and Spanish-  
speaking adolescent students from Cañar, El Tambo and  
Suscal cantons. Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega  
reliability coefficients demonstrated high internal consistency  
of the scales, and a significant inter-correlation was found  
between them.  
The results differ from other studies in terms of the  
prevalence of anxiety in the population studied, with a  
percentage of 35% that exceeds the findings reported in  
previous research. However, it is important to consider the  
limitations of the study, such as the size of the sample selected  
and the specificity of the population studied, which limits the  
generalizability of the results to other contexts and age  
2014), focuses on this aspect. Encouragingly, both Alansari  
2006) and Batistelli and Marcassa (2014) obtained reliability  
values above 0.90, indicating high internal consistency in the  
adapted instruments.  
However, notable differences exist among these studies.  
While our approach targeted non-clinical populations,  
Alansari (2006) and Giannakou et al. (2013) included  
samples of university students and patients from a mental  
health center, respectively. Furthermore, Batistelli and  
Marcassa (2014) assessed the DASS-21 scale, which  
measures not only depression but also anxiety and stress,  
unlike the other studies that specifically focused on  
depression assessment.  
Despite these limitations, the study has contributed to  
the field of cross-cultural psychological assessment by  
South American Research Journal, 3(1), 59-65  
adapting and validating the inventory in a language other than  
English, thus expanding its usefulness in different cultural  
and linguistic contexts. These findings support the  
importance of considering cultural and linguistic context  
when adapting and validating psychological assessment  
of the Beck Depression Inventory-II to Greek  
population. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 10(2), 120–  
Gómez, C., Bohórquez, A., Tamayo, N., Rondóna, M., & Bautistac,  
N. (2016). Trastornos depresivos y de ansiedad y  
factores asociados en la población de adolescentes  
colombianos, Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental 2015.  
In future research, it is recommended to expand the  
sample and consider other populations, as well as to conduct  
additional reliability analyses, such as temporal stability. In  
addition, it would be relevant to further explore the factors  
that contribute to the high prevalence of anxiety found in the  
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Questionnaire in Kichwa language  
Response options:  
.- Shuk  
.- Ishkay  
.- Kimsa  
.- Chusku  
.- Pichka  
.- Sukta  
.- Kanchis  
.- Pusak  
12.- Chunka Ishkay.  
13.- Chunka kimsa  
14.- Chunka Chusku  
15.- Chunka Pishka  
16.- Chunka Sukta  
17.- Chunka Kanchis.  
18.- Chunka Pusak  
19.- Chunka Iskun  
20.- ishkay Chunka  
21.- Ishkay Chunka Shuk  
.- Iskun  
0.- Chunka  
1.- Chunka Shuk  
. Sinchiyashka, mana sayti  
. Piña  
. Chanka Chukchuywan  
. Aychata umata mana samachiy ushay  
.- Ashtawan llaki tukuna manchaywan  
.- Urmarik shinalla uma muyuywan  
. Yurak shunku sinchi utka kuyurikunawan  
.- Yapa shuktakyarik  
12 - Makikuna chukchuywan  
13.- Mana kasilla mancharishkalla.  
14.- Yuyayta chinkachik shina yuyaywan  
15.- Chukarinalla yuyaywan  
16.- Wañuna manchaywan  
17. -Manchaywan  
18.- Wiksa wakllirishkawan  
19. Yuyay chinkariywan  
20.-Ñawipi suktak kuskakunapi rupariywan  
21.-Chiri ashtawanpash rupachik humpiwan  
. - Pinkaywan manchaywan  
0.- Chukchuywan  
1.- Yuyay chinkarikuk shina  
In the case of anxiety, the levels are minimum (0-7 points), mild (8-15 points), moderate (16 to 25 points) and severe (26-63 points).  
While, in the case of depression it is minimum depression (0-13 points), mild depression (14-19), moderate depression (20-28) and  
severe depression (29-63).